Labour Market Information
When you are choosing a career path it is important to know which jobs are available. It is also good to know how many jobs there are now and how many there are likely to be in the future.
This is where Labour Market Information (LMI) is important. LMI tells you:
- What qualifications will be helpful for certain careers
- How much you can expect to be paid
- What working conditions are like
- Which jobs are likely to be easiest or hardest to find in your area
- What skills employers are looking for
- What the jobs of the future are and which jobs might disappear
Useful websites
- Unifrog has a wealth of information on differing jobs.
- The National Careers Service gives LMI on different careers. It also has some tools to help you decide on a career path.
- iCould has information about a range of jobs and career paths. It also has a tool to help you find the correct career path.
LMI For All is an online data portal which brings together existing national sources of high quality LMI that can inform your choices about a career. The portal includes LMI that can answer common questions such as:
- How much to people get paid?
- What type of person does that job?
The cares below from LMI for All allows you to compare up to three job roles and see the projected workforce changes and average salaries for each one.
If you’re unsure which job is the one for you, LMI For All also provide a Skillsometer which can help you identify a career.