Parent Pay
ParentPay is an online, web based payment system for parents/carers, which allows you to upload funds to your child’s school account in a flexible, efficient and secure manner. The funds can be used to pay for school meals, trips, or student resources such as revision guides. During the current COVID situation, having the option of accessing a cashless facility is beneficial for both parents/carers and staff.
ParentPay offers you the freedom to make payments whenever and wherever you like, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week – safe in the knowledge that the technology used is of the highest internet security available. It also ensures that dinner money is spent in the school canteen and not in shops on the way to or from school. ParentPay also removes any potential issues associated with students bringing money into school i.e. losing the funds.
Making a payment is straightforward and ParentPay holds an electronic record of your payments to view at a later date; no card details are stored in any part of the system. The system also allows parents/carers to view online details of their son/daughters purchases.
Parents/carers activate their accounts using activation codes obtained from the academy. Any parent who does not currently have an account (or who has lost/forgotten their previous login details) but wishes to utilise this facility should contact: [email protected] to request activation codes and log in details. In your email you will need to provide the following information:
Student full legal name
Student date of birth
Year and tutor group
You will then receive an activation letter with the necessary login details.
Please note that Lord Lawson of Beamish Academy still accepts cash/cheque payments for school trips, education resources etc., and students can still pay cash for their lunch via on site upload to their account using our biometric finger system.