Dress Code

Sixth Form students are not required to wear uniform but are expected to be
appropriately dressed for the school environment in which they work. It is at the
discretion of the Senior Leadership Team as to whether a student is deemed to
be appropriately dressed for school.

For avoidance of doubt, the following are not accepted items within the dress
code policy:

• Offensive slogans
• Ripped Jeans
• Sportswear – this includes leggings, joggers, tracksuit bottoms and football
• All styles of shorts – this includes cycling and football shorts
• Low cut or strappy tops (thin/spaghetti style straps)
• Sliders, flip flops and crocs

Further points to note:

• Tops worn must meet the trousers/skirt without a gap
• Skirts/dresses should be of a suitable length. This length should be just above
the knee or longer
• Hats, hoods and caps should only be worn outside
• These guidelines offer further detail to the existing policy.

A consultation is currently being carried out on a sixth form dress code, for adoption in 2023 -24