Careers Summary
Year 7
- Careers talks, including guest speakers from local businesses, further and higher education providers, apprenticeship and training providers.
- Careers Education Programme embedded into the Personal Development/PSHE programme, focusing on self-awareness, skills and qualities, exploring types of jobs and introduction to higher education
- Introduction to Unifrog online careers platform and completion of careers personality quiz
- Workshops with local universities
- Careers Assemblies, including LMI (Labour Market Information) and visits from local employers/speakers/providers
- Careers learning opportunities in subject lessons
- STEP UP skills workbook in tutorial sessions to support students’ personal development and ensure progression
- National Apprenticeship Week
- National Careers Week
- Introduction to the importance of LMI and how to access this information.
- Access to careers information on the academy website
- Enterprise Challenge task
Year 8
- Careers talks, including guest speakers from local employers, training and apprenticeship providers, and further and higher education providers
- Higher Education session with Oxford University North East
- Workshops with local universities
- Careers Education programme embedded into the Personal Development/PSHE programme, focusing on ambitions & future intentions, enterprise skills, challenging career stereotypes and personal finance
- Careers Assemblies including visits from outside speakers
- National Apprenticeship Week
- National Careers Week
- STEP UP skills workbook in tutorial sessions to support students’ personal development and ensure progression
- Careers learning opportunities in subject lessons
- Unifrog online activities to explore all pathways and opportunities
- Interactive NHS Careers Course exploring the opportunities available and the benefits a career in healthcare has to offer students.
- Introduction to the importance of LMI and how to access this information.
- Access to careers information on the academy website
- Visit to local university
Year 9
- GCSE options choices interview available with a member of the Senior Leadership Team
- Year 9 Destination Success event on the diversity of learning options available post 16, and inspiring students to realise their full potential
- Careers support at Options evening
- Careers Education programme embedded into the Personal Development/PSHE programme, focusing on routes to employment, transferable skills, introducing post-16 options and exploring higher education.
- National Apprenticeship Week
- National Careers Week
- Careers talks and assemblies, including guest speakers from local employers, training and apprenticeship providers, and further and higher education providers
- Careers learning opportunities in lessons
- Unifrog online activity exploring post 16 pathways, Higher Education opportunities and courses
- STEP UP skills workbook in tutorial lessons to support students’ personal development and ensure progression
- Work Insight sessions with employers relating to different career sectors
- NECOP Programme (higher education and study skills)
- Workshops with local universities
- Access to Careers and Labour Market Information on the academy website
- Enterprise challenge Task
KEY STAGE FOUR Careers Summary
Year 10
- Careers talks and assemblies, including guest speakers from local employers, training and apprenticeship providers, and further and higher education providers
- Careers Education programme embedded into the Personal Development/PSHE programme, focusing on preparing for the workplace, equal opportunities, health & safety in the workplace, employability skills, CV writing and post-16 pathways
- One Vision project, 2- year project providing career opportunities and ensuring progression pathways for a selected group of students
- Higher Education session with Oxford University North East
- Workshops from local universities
- National Careers Week
- National Apprenticeship Week
- Work Experience programme
- Regular LMI updates to understand the local employment opportunities
- Unifrog careers exploration and employability skills
- NECOP programme (higher education and study skills)
- STEP UP skills workbook in tutorial sessions to support students’ personal development and ensure progression
- Access to Careers and Labour market information on the academy website
- Careers support available at Parents’ Evening
Year 11
- Careers Guidance interview with qualified Careers Advisor
- Careers Education programme embedded into the Personal Development/PSHE programme, focusing on post-16 progression routes, applying to post-16 education or training, interview preparation, employment and study skills.
- Careers Assemblies including Labour Market Information (LMI) and visits from outside speakers
- The Buzz Personality Workshop to allow students to discover their personality strengths
- STEP UP skills workbook in tutorial sessions to support students’ personal development and ensure progression
- Unifrog in school and online, focusing on post 16 pathways and opportunities
- Workshops from local universities
- Mock interview with Enterprise Adviser employer
- National Careers Week
- National Apprenticeship Week
- Apprenticeship workshops to support apprenticeship applications
- Regular LMI email updates to understand the local employment opportunities
- Access to Careers and Labour Market information on the academy website
- Opportunity to attend sixth form and further education open evenings
- Transition activities and visits to the Sixth Form at Lord Lawson Academy
- Presentations and opportunities to apply for the Summer NCS programme
- Taster visits to local employers, training and further education providers
- Careers support available at Parents’ Evening