Enrichment Programme
We offer a range of Enrichment opportunities at Lord Lawson Sixth Form.
Duke of Edinburgh
At Lord Lawson, students have the opportunity to participate in the Duke of Edinburgh Award. The award allows students to discover new interests, develop new skills and participate in team work. All of these skills are essential for life and work. Students have the option of completing their Bronze or Silver award during their time in our Sixth Form. The scheme enhances students’ employability skills and is a well recognised award across employers and universities.
Sports Leadership Level 2
Experience the benefits that coaching can do to improve your confidence and management skills. This will allow you to undertake leadership roles in a range of sporting areas supporting other to develop their skills in a chosen sport.
Ambassador Programme
Take a leadership role throughout the sixth form, supporting the school in a range of ways and become a role model to younger students with ambition of joining our sixth form.
Reading Ambassadors Programme
Support lower school in the development of their literacy skills, experience the benefits to your confidence and communication skills whilst becoming a mentor to a younger student.
EPQ (Extended Programme Qualification)
EPQ is an A-level standard standalone qualification designed to extend and develop students’ abilities beyond the A-level syllabus and prepare for university or their future career.
- it can be taken as an extension of other Level 3 qualifications or vocational qualifications
- it’s worth half an A-level (up to 28 UCAS points)
- it’s recognised by universities and employers
- many universities make lower A-level offers to students undertaking an EPQ.
Student Leadership Opportunities
Opportunity to represent the sixth form and school as the head boy or girl and deputy head. In your role you will regularly have meetings with the head teacher to discuss your sixth form experience and will also have fundraising opportunities and lead the planning of the prom. You will be able to speak on behalf of the other students within the sixth form and have roles in promoting the positive environment of our sixth form.
We also have a specific sixth form council, where each tutor group has a representative and will meet at least once every half term. In your meetings you will discuss any ideas that you might have to help develop your sixth form experience.
Each of these programmes can help develop a wide variety of skills and are a perfect addition to your personal statement to make you UCAS and career applications stand out even more.