Safeguarding and Child Protection

Pupil safety and wellbeing are very important to us. We firmly believe that they have the right to be happy and safe inside and outside of school. That’s why there are lots of things that we do as staff with pupils to try to make this happen. All staff are trained to look out for pupils and to listen if they wish to share a concern about themselves or someone else. We cannot, however, promise to keep what they tell us a secret but we will always only pass it on to other people who need to know and can help. Our senior staff member who oversees safeguarding in school is Mr Cooper.  Pupils can talk to Mr Cooper or any member of staff that you feel comfortable talking to. We will always listen.

It’s really important too for them to know how to keep themselves safe and healthy. As young people, they have the right to enjoy themselves, use the internet and form relationships if they wish, but they also have the responsibility to do all of this in a safe way. Issues such as online safety, bullying and sexual health are particularly significant for young people and it’s really important that they know how to keep themselves and others safe.