Saturday 14 October sees the beginning of the second week of industrial action by the bus company Go North East, the last day of which is Friday 20 October

We have spoken to Nexus and Go North East who have confirmed today that all of the scholars’ services will be running.  However, public services will be significantly impacted.  Therefore, we ask parents and carers of students who are potentially affected to make alternative transport arrangements where possible if their child uses public transport, as there will be no skeleton services in operation.

For holders of Go North East Season tickets (weekly, monthly, annual passes) please note these will be accepted on Tyne and Wear Metro services during the strike periods; please show staff on the Metro your pass to travel.

If your child usually travels to school by car, then please allow additional time for your journey as the roads will be busier than normal.

Academy staff are aware of the situation and will make appropriate allowances for any students who may arrive slightly later than normal as a result of the strikes.

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Together we grow, learn and succeed

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Students at Lord Lawson of Beamish Academy are celebrating their excellent GCSE results. Against a backdrop of results falling to 2019 levels, Lord Lawson students smashed their 2019 record. 79% of students gained passes in English and 76% in Mathematics.

Highest performing students include Amy Cosgrove, Sam Davison, Jeevan Somal, Ruby Skelton, Michael Bruce, Dara Oyenibi, Violet Joslin, Sophie Hogg, Sophie Henderson, Anna Hughes, Lily Fearby and Edward Slater, all of whom gained high grades in all their subjects. Excellent progress has been made by a range of students, including Matthew Allen, Ewan Cameron-McIntosh, Kayla Huscroft, Ebony King, Jagoda Klosowicz, Charlotte Morison, Evie Nesbitt and Liam Nicholson.

The school’s continuing strength in the Arts and Physical Education were very evident, with Music, Dance, Drama, Graphics, Photography and Physical Education all performing extremely well. Students also put on a strong showing in the traditional subjects too, with Maths and English performing well and Science showing improved results. Students also gained high grades in German, French and Religious Education. Students collecting their results today began their GCSE courses during the years of the COVID-19 pandemic. They have had to overcome adverse circumstances and to show real resilience. Lord Lawson students benefited from the school’s programme of support and preparation for these examinations, helping them cope with anxiety and pressure.

Andrew Fowler, the school’s Principal, said that the school has seen amazing improvements since 2019: “Where many schools are seeing results dip this year, at Lord Lawson we are glad to see that our students go from strength to strength. Students collecting their results today have gained strong grades across a wide range of subjects. We are absolutely delighted for our students, who have had the most disrupted school experience over the past three years and have come through with great results that demonstrate their high levels of skill and knowledge.”

Joe Dicocco, Deputy Principal, said, “We are immensely proud of our students today. We worked with them to be fully prepared for the examinations and today they reap the rewards of their hard work. This cohort of students has developed immensely in character and determination over the years and this will serve them well in later life. We wish them all the very best and congratulate them on their achievements.”

Most students at Lord Lawson will go on to study A level and vocational courses at the school’s sixth form and at local colleges. Some are heading for apprenticeships with local and national employers. Dave Cave, Year 11 Leader and Assistant Principal, said he was pleased with the results. “It has been thoroughly rewarding to witness our students’ determination and resilience in preparation for the examinations. I know, with their results and excellent attitudes, they have a great platform for future choices and success.”

Together we grow, learn and succeed

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Students at Lord Lawson of Beamish Academy in Birtley have much to celebrate as they collect their A-level and vocational qualification results this year.

There were excellent results for many students. Top-performing students include Lewis Heppell (A*A*A), Beth Davison (A*AA), Thomas Fairbrother (A*AA), Emily Malloy (A*AA), Abigail Loftus (A*A*B), Georgia Forbisher (A*AB), Katie Francis (AAA), Lauren Kelsall (A*AB), Richard Oloton (A*AAB) and Sophie Ormerod-Harrison (A*A*AB).

These students, alongside many others, met their offers to study at prestigious local and national universities, including Durham, Newcastle and University College London.

Many students overcame extreme personal difficulties to gain their grades. Students who made particularly impressive progress included Harley Vipond, Tom Taylor, Sam Barron and Alex Adams.

Lord Lawson students have also been successful in gaining higher level apprenticeships and degree apprenticeships in computing, finance, architecture and civil engineering, with notable local employers. Vocational subjects performed particularly well at the school this year, including Business, Computing, Psychology, and Health and Social Care.

Overall, results showed that the school continues to make very good progress. Strong results were gained by students across a broad curriculum: leading subjects include English Language and Literature, Mathematics, Geography and the Arts. Politics and Sociology, which saw their first results last year, continued to see excellent grades this year.

Andrew Fowler, the academy’s Principal said, “I am absolutely delighted for our students, and I congratulate them on their success. These results are the product of the students’ hard work and the improvements in teaching at the school. These students have not had a ‘normal’ school year since 2018-19, when they were in Year 9. In Years 10 and 11, their schooling was disrupted through national lockdowns and local COVID restrictions. Even this year, their education was disrupted by strikes and national events. They did not sit GCSE examinations in Year 11, so these A-level and vocational courses were their first experience of formal examinations.

“They have performed brilliantly! The results are a credit to the students themselves, and to their parents and teachers. I am delighted to see so many happy faces today, and to know that our students are moving on to a bright future at university, apprenticeships and employment.”

Head of Sixth Form, Alison Jordan said, “I am delighted with all the results, as the students have worked extremely hard and had to contend with so much disruption to their education. Some students have overcome personal circumstances and made significant progress during their time in our sixth form. The students should feel very proud of their achievements.”

Students interested in joining Lord Lawson’s successful sixth form are encouraged to contact Mrs Jordan: [email protected]

Together we grow, learn and succeed

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