Further to the messages from Mr Fowler and Mr Rayner in recent Parent Bulletins, I would like to take this opportunity to update parents and carers about the current situation regarding the scholars’ and public service buses.

Strike action looks likely to go on for the foreseeable future, but Go North East are continuing to ensure that our scholars’ buses are running, although this week we have experienced some delays.  These delays were caused by striking Go North East staff picketing outside the bus depots, delaying bus departures.  Unfortunately we do not receive ‘real time’ updates from the company so we do not always have this information to give to you, even if you contact school.  If we are pre-notified of any delays, this information will appear on our website or on our social media pages.

Public bus services still pose an issue, for both students and staff, and we thank those parents and carers who have made alternative transport arrangements for their child, ensuring they arrive at school safely.  A number of students are being collected by school staff in our mini bus.

As the weather is currently not the best, cold and wet, can I please ask you to ensure your child comes to school dressed appropriately, with a waterproof coat, especially if they are waiting for a bus that may be delayed.

Thank you for your continued patience and support.

Mr I Cooper

Deputy Principal

Together we grow, learn and succeed

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Read more about Y5 Open Evening 21st March

28th February 2024

Y5 Open Evening 21st March

Our Year 5 opening evening will take place on Thursday 21st March, its never too early to start considering your child’s next steps.  ...

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Further to our message earlier this week, and Mr Fowler’s note in the Parent Bulletin, we have just been advised by Nexus that Go North East will be unable to guarantee the scholars’ services for a number of schools from Monday 16 October 2023 until Friday 20 October 2023.  Unfortunately, the 873 afternoon only service from Lord Lawson is one of those affected.

We ask that parents and carers of students who use the 873 service make arrangements to ensure their children have alternative transport home next week.

As Mr Fowler has already asked in his letter in the Parent Bulletin, we appeal to any parent or carer who may be collecting their children and has space in their car to offer transport to other Lord Lawson students who may live in your neighbourhood. Your child may know someone who has difficulty getting to or from school next week, and this added complication will have an impact on even more students.

Together we grow, learn and succeed

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  • Courage
  • Ambition

Read more about Y5 Open Evening 21st March

28th February 2024

Y5 Open Evening 21st March

Our Year 5 opening evening will take place on Thursday 21st March, its never too early to start considering your child’s next steps.  ...

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